
08.30am - 17.00pm


為了協助台灣企業更深入了解歐盟的投資環境,並及早在後疫情時代開始佈局歐洲,歐洲經貿辦事處 (EETO) 與15個歐盟會員國駐台辦事處,結合經濟部、外交部等單位將於2020年9月22日(星期二)假台北國際會議中心2樓,舉辦「投資歐盟論壇暨投資展」。
Go Europe!前進歐盟,掌握未來黃金商機!這是一場您企業佈局全球不容錯過的活動。誠摯邀請各界先進蒞臨與會。


時間:     2020年9月22日(二),8:30-17:00

地點:     台北國際會議中心2樓


活動相關報名事宜請造訪: www.accupass.com/go/EIF2020
  • ICT分場論壇

14:00-16:30,201 DE會議室

講者:David Foy, Head of International Business Development-Digital Economy, Luxinnovation

主題:Luxembourg’s Digital Innovation Strategy & Trusted Data Hub

  • 投資歐盟展盧森堡攤位(No. 15)



The EU Investment Forum (EIF) will illustrate the investment opportunities in the EU. Given the changes in the global economy investing in the EU has become more interesting than ever for companies to diversify supply chains and to move closer to the markets.
More than 24 experts from Taiwan and the EU will discuss the European investment environment, laws and regulations, taxation aspects and the industrial policies of EU Member States in selected key sectors such as ICT, automotive and biotech/health. Moreover, Taiwanese companies that have already invested in the EU will share their experiences in operating and investing in the European market.
The EIF also hosts an investment fair where the 15 EU Member States in Taiwan will present first-hand information and provide support of how to expand your business to Europe.
Go Europe! Do not miss this great opportunity. We look forward to seeing you all there!

EU Investment Forum 2020

Time:                   Tuesday, 22 September 2020│8:30 ─ 17:00

Venue :                Taipei International Convention Center (TICC), 2F

(2F, No.1, Section 5, Xinyi Road, Taipei City)

Please register for the event at: www.accupass.com/go/EIF2020
  • Forum – ICT Panel

14:00-16:30, Room 201 DE

Speaker: David Foy, Head of International Business Development-Digital Economy, Luxinnovation

Topics: Luxembourg’s Digital Innovation Strategy & Trusted Data Hub

  • Luxembourg Booth at the Investment Forum’s Trade Fair (booth No. 15)


We are looking forward to meeting you at the EU Investment Forum & Luxembourg Booth!

